Smart lighting solutions: How to 'get smart' on the road to Net Zero

It’s universally accepted that LED technology has the ability to greatly reduce energy consumption. But when paired with smart solutions, this can go even further.
While LEDs are undoubtedly the energy efficient option, the savings that can be made and the overall ROI when paired with innovative lighting controls is significant. Results from industries that have embraced this pairing have generated savings on light bills of between 60% to 80%.
Not only is this saving the business money and energy, but it also helps towards decarbonisation.
Smart lighting solutions have been around for some time now. However, they’ve only been embraced by the residential sector. Only a small percentage of businesses and educational establishments are choosing to utilise them within their offices, warehouses, or classrooms.
Why are businesses so afraid of making this transition?
Smart lighting solutions are widely seen as a costly affair. On a personal level, it is much simpler to set lighting levels in your own home than for a whole business. This simplicity must be designed to carry over into commercial application.
This investment is undoubtedly worth it. The latest generation of smart systems greatly reduces a facilities’ cost-base, infrastructure, and personnel. In the midst of a 54% rise in energy bills, now more than ever these measures are needed to see as much ROI as possible.
The biggest offering that solutions such as intelligent control systems add is a level of flexibility that is unmatched by standard LED controls. These measures can ensure modern office, classroom and warehouse spaces are adaptable enough to be prepared for an unpredictable future.
Systems embedded with sensors can substantially reduce energy consumption by ensuring that lighting is not used unnecessarily. Wireless networks go even further, creating a grid which connects all fittings into a centralised control system.
This allows for lighting settings that suit the preferences of different groups of occupants.
Tamlite’s own system, Vision Smart, provides more than just energy savings. The major benefit to businesses is that it’s easily scalable and quick to install. Wireless nodes communicate with one another between rooms, floors, and buildings, allowing the network to be scaled up across entire estates if required.