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SLL Lighting Guide LG14 Control of Electric Lighting: New edition offers professional designers a ‘logical approach’ to lighting controls

An updated revision of SLL Lighting Guide LG14: Control of Electric Lighting has been published by The Society of Light and Lighting (SLL). The SLL is a division of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE). 

Originally published in 2016, this is the second edition of LG14.

The SLL describes the updated guidance as setting out a “logical approach for the professional designer to consider the consultation, design, specification, commissioning and handover of a lighting installation incorporating controls”.

This second edition of LG14 has been produced and updated to inform what is meant by lighting controls for electric light relative to project specification and design in the 21st century.

The SLL says its revised and updated guide covers internal and external electric lighting control but does not cover solar blind and shutter control, theatre or advertising electric lighting control.

As controls-based technologies are moving ‘at pace’ and advancing quickly, LG14 acknowledges the existence of these new technologies and future editions will incorporate design considerations as these technologies become proven and commonplace.

Market drivers for controls

Luminaire technology, energy efficiency legislation and rising energy costs are the most common drivers for the incorporation of lighting controls into a project. This means that lighting controls are increasingly becoming essential rather than an ‘optional extra/nice to have’ project consideration.

In its launch statement, the SLL says: 

“It is an important consideration that the project stakeholders and, in particular, the lighting designer are aware of the current lighting control technologies available to meet the performance objectives of a project. This approach will enable the specification of lighting control products and services that are fit for purpose and compatible with the selected luminaires and lighting design.”

How to get hold of a copy of LG14

Members of CIBSE and the SLL have unlimited online access to guides via the CIBSE Knowledge Portal. Alternatively, a copy can be purchased (for £40.00) from CIBSE: LG14: Control of Electric Lighting 

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